19 students + 3 ideas = a lot of fun and knowledge! - St Paul's Way Trust

On Tuesday 12th November, 3 teams planted the seeds for what is going to be the innovation of the year! 

Working on an ‘in-house’ paper recycling machine, a water condenser to irrigate crops in arid environments and a rainwater-powered lamp post (with a byproduct of potable water!), the students were eager to use their hands to crystallize their intentions. They only had one mission; to use the ‘junk’ provided to make a 3D design of what they imagine their invention will look like. 

Starting with a brief on the importance of the engineering habits of mind, understanding the reiterative process to improve and optimise what they are building, the 3 teams started shaping what at the beginning of the workshops seemed to be only a dream. The output, three models that show what the mind of bright schoolchildren can do when they come together. The outcome, revolutionary ideas that could be brought to life… correction, that will be brought to life!

The workshops’s 100 minutes melted like butter on a croissant, the lesson was that smooth! There seemed to be enough time, but between questions, sharing insights, hands-on working and a couple of jokes… we only just managed to create a tangible ‘draft’ of each of the teams’ vision.

For the next stage  the students will make sure to learn from the physical prototyping and using their CAD skills from a previous session and turn these ‘junk’ prototypes into a virtual design, to then print a miniature prototype using PPL PWR’s cutting edge 3D printer machine. The following week’s workshop will focus on understanding which materials are best to use, before embarking on 3 weeks to assemble their device and feel as powerful as Dr. Frankenstein!  

Only time will tell how far these students will go! And PPL PWR is delighted to be able to participate and enable their work to become the next generation of brilliant engineers! 


Computer Aided Design - St Paul's Way Trust


Final Design Presentations - St Paul's Way Trust